
Zeiss correlative petrography platform (optical-SEM-EDS-EBSD)

The correlative petrography platform allows enhanced workflows and routines for macro- to sub-micron-scale structural, mineralogical, and compositional data collection. Through a codified sample holder and one single dedicated software, sites of interest and spot analysis coordinates across any type of image (optical, BSE, EDS, EBSD, CL…) are linked and explorable during and after their acquisition. The platform includes:

  • An AxioZoom v.16, an on-axis zoom microscope equipped with an x-y-z motorized stage allowing large-area image reconstructions on hand specimens
  • An AxioScope 7 petrographic microscope equipped with an x-y-z motorized stage allowing image reconstructions down to the 100x objective
  • An AxioLab 5 petrographic microscope for routine optical microscopy investigations
  • An EVO 15 variable pressure SEM (LaB6/W source) equipped with an Oxford Instruments Ultim Max 100mm2 EDS detector and a C-Nano EBSD detector
  • The ZEN Connect correlative microscopy software
  • The Zeiss Intellesis software for AI-based image analysis

NewTec Scientific Optical Cathodoluminescence

The NewTec Scientific Cathodyne optical cathodoluminescence provides a valuable means to image zonation in minerals (e.g., carbonates, quartz, feldspar, apatite). The Cathodyne has the great advantage of integrating an x-y motorized stage and being fully controlled by a dedicated software.

Picarro G2201-i CRDS carbon isotope analyzer

The CRDS-based Picarro G2201-i analyzer allows carbon stable isotope measurement in CH4 and CO2 without separation. The analyzer operates in one of three modes: 1) CO2-only, 2) CH4-only, and 3) CO2 and CH4 combined. In the combined mode, the measurement of CO2 and CH4 are interleaved every few seconds to produce a sampling rate that is faster than the gas turn-over time in the cavity. When the analyzer is in CO2-only mode or CH4-only mode, the precision improves, because more time is devoted to one molecule. In all modes, the analyzer precisely measures CO2, H2O, and CH4 concentrations, with fewer calibration events than other spectral absorption-based instruments.

The analyzer is linked to the AutoMateFX sample preparation device, a front end system that prepares several types of samples automatically for a variety of types of analysis including carbon isotopes of carbonates, carbon isotopes of DIC, total calcium carbonate, total DIC, total CO2 in incubations. The AutoMate Prep Device acidifies solid carbonates and DIC in water, creating CO2.

Fluid inclusion extraction platform

The analysis of carbon trapped in fluid inclusions is central in Deep Carbon Lab research activities. The Lab includes facilities for both bulk rock and in-situ extraction.

Sample preparation facilities

The Lab includes a set sample preparation facilities including a centrifuge, micro-balances, an ultrasonic cleaner, a vibrational polisher for EBSD preparation, a universal oven, a hotplate-stirrer, and many more.